General Chemistry
32 Week
2 Semesters
32 Week
2 Semesters

Craig T. Riesen
Tutoring is designed for student growth in:
Study Skills
Note taking techniques​
Focus / Concentration
Building Confidence by Understanding
KIS (keep it simple; keep in step)
AGES (problem solving strategy)
The "Triangle" and "Criss-Cross" Methods (rearranging multi-variable equations)
Test Taking Strategies
Increase test scores regardless of content
How to approach a test
How to complete a test
How to review/debrief a test
Critical Thinking
Synthesis (adjusting)
Analysis (breaking it down into simple parts)
Evaluation (prioritizing)
Tutoring Sessions:
For best results, 4 sessions are recommended and sufficient to produce significant improvement in learning and scores in all school courses.
Students will be led directly using the content of the science course.
Students desiring extra help or review outside their course (whether with Learning CTR Online or not) should consider the recitation class (Chemistry Recitation / Physics Recitation) or session as an inexpensive option or can set up an individual office hour for the tutoring fee.
Please do not force your child into tutoring.
Only students who desire to work hard and improve FOR THEMSELVES are candidates for tutoring.
Kara D
I was struggling in Chemistry class. I had a D average going into the last quarter of the course. After 4 sessions with Mr. Riesen, I received an 85% on the state exam and a B in the course! I had confidence and concentration like never before.
Daniel Z
I had failed the first 4 Chemistry tests of the year. I contacted Mr. Riesen for tutoring. He walked me through study skills, test taking, and critical thinking. By the end of the year, my test average was an 84%! I am taking college Chemistry and have an A!
Loreina T
Physics just didn't come easy for me. I was constantly confused and frustrated. So, I spent 4 sessions with Mr. Riesen. I was amazed at how the lights turned on. He would walk me through my tests and show me how to evaluate what I had done and then help me realign my thinking. Long story short, Physics became a whole lot easier for me.
Phillip C
Mr. Riesen has a way to make things simple and clear. He doesn't lecture or talk at you, but asks questions to lead you step by step into a proper understanding. I was skeptical that anyone could help me in Physics, but I was so wrong. Mr. Riesen showed me strategies for taking a test that had nothing to do with the course content, but raised my test average 13%!
Susie M
The best word to describe my tutoring experience is "wow"! I never knew what focus meant, but Mr. Riesen showed me session after session how to concentrate and block out distractions. By the end of the year I literally spent hours less time studying and understood more, resulting in a full letter grade higher for the course.
Matt B
Mr. Riesen instilled confidence in me. He emphasized concentration (blocking out distractions) and confidence in every session. He led me to understandings so that I could figure problems out for myself. The best part is that everything Mr. Riesen taught me about learning I am applying to every other class I take. It really works!
Tutoring Philosophy

Craig T. Riesen

General Science 7-12
Basic Administation K-12
Online Instructor
30+ years Teaching Experience
Public Schools (26+yr)
Online (7+yr)