General Chemistry
32 Week
2 Semesters
32 Week
2 Semesters

Craig T. Riesen
Expectations & Policies
You are using services and sites of Learning CTR Online, which is family-friendly and demands that all material on the site and directly linked from it be family-friendly. Accordingly, use of the services constitutes understanding of and agreement to the following:
Zero Tolerance Policy
Learning CTR Online does not tolerate any kind of harassment (sexual, race, religion, aptitude, appearance, etc.) and will immediately take action should a student or parent exhibit said behavior during class or towards any individual using Learning CTR Online . This includes correspondence and/or emails related to Learning CTR Online , its events, and assignments. Use of profanity, course joking at another's expense, bullying, targeting, teasing with intent to hurt, sarcasm aimed at degrading another, and any similar behaviors may result in removal from the course with no ability to enroll at Learning CTR Online in the future. (see the Tuition tab for reimbursement policies)
Student behavior outside of Learning CTR Online and its assignments is the parents' responsibility and is beyond the responsibility and authority of Learning CTR Online, which will not provide support, guidance, or any other comment.
Biblical Worldview
Learning CTR Online strives for “faithful scholarship” that integrates academic excellence and a biblical worldview in a coherent seamless approach to education. Learning CTR Online nurtures an academic community built on mutual respect for one another in the nexus of faith and scholarship within a biblical worldview.
Parental Oversight
Parents are the most important influence in a child's education. Therefore, they are expected to provide sufficient oversight to ensure their students conduct themselves honorably and adhere to these posted standards while they use this site or services.
Usernames and Passwords
Students will conduct themselves honorably in a manner they would be proud to have associated with their name and their family’s name. Accordingly, every student must use only his own assigned username while on our site or in our conferences. Anonymous participation or use a fake name or another student’s name is NOT permitted while using services or this site. Students should immediately report compromised usernames or passwords, or any other violation of this standard.
Respect and Kindness
An academic setting affords frequent opportunities to consider differing opinions and ideas. Even within a worldview that sees the Bible as the standard for truth, there is an acceptable conservative range of interpretational opinions and individual applications. Students should respectfully present and defend their views while open-mindedly consider positions other than their own, but all such interactions must be conducted with kindness and respect, seeking to always speak truth in love, remembering that love is patient, kind and gentle. Personal attacks, derogatory sarcasm or insults, or any other approach that belittles other people, regardless of their viewpoint is NOT permitted or tolerated.
Integrity and Plagiarism
Unless explicitly approved by the teacher, students must perform all evaluated work individually and must take all exams without referring to a textbook, notes, or other materials. We assume that all work submitted by students is their own original work, except for portions they explicitly attribute to another source. We consider any other submission to be plagiarism or cheating, and we expect parents to provide training and oversight as necessary to prevent such behavior.
Modesty and Decorum
Our classrooms and other site features allow young people to interact with one another in a variety of ways, including posting photos and movie clips, and various other spoken and written forms of interaction. In all interactions that utilize Learning CTR Online site services, participants must maintain decorum in spoken and written conversation, and all posted photos and video interactions must exhibit conservative modesty in dress and behavior. Recognizing that different people have different standards of modesty and decorum, all video, audio and written word interactions must proactively take a conservative approach that reasonably avoids offense to others. In photos and videos, everyone (regardless of age or gender) to remain covered from at least above the chest to the middle of the upper thigh (no cleavage, bare midriffs, or short shorts, please).
Regarding Romance and Flirting
Learning CTR Online is not to be used for “lonely hearts” discussions, flirting, dating, or other “romantic” endeavors. This applies regardless of the age of the participants or what any particular family accepts as appropriate in this area.
Advertising and External Links
Learning CTR Online does not permit advertising on the site; students are not permitted to post links to products or services, even if those products or services are free.
Reporting Problems
Mutual accountability reinforces individual restraint in promoting appropriate standards of behavior. Mutually agreeable standards of behavior are best achieved by all participants gently confronting and reporting problems when they see them. Anyone who finds the behavior of another to be upsetting or offensive should ask the “offender” to cease or modify the behavior. If a direct request proves ineffective in stopping the problem and preventing recurrence, then please report the matter to learningctr@gmail.com. When reporting a problem, please provide as much specific information as possible, including the day, time, user names of all participants and witnesses, precise words used, and other details regarding the nature of the offense. All reports that contain sufficient information will be investigated, and communication and action will occur on all reports that can be substantiated.
Academic Integrity
For a reported grade or evaluation to be meaningful it must represent the individual work of the student without external resources or assistance. Learning CTR Online understands each student, including close siblings, to be unique individuals whose talents must be developed and evaluated individually.
Unless the teacher provides explicit special accommodations in writing:
All submitted work must be the individual work of the student. While students may study together or work together on homework, lab work, or projects, they must still prepare and submit individual work.
All exams, tests, and quizzes must be taken in a single sitting without breaks, without any books, notes, internet references, or other aids, except those explicitly allowed in writing by the teacher. Parents are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the evaluation process in the home education setting, and may be asked to certify this as part of the process.
All written essays and paragraphs must be original, and not a copy or paraphrase of other works, including books, online articles, or another student’s work.
Academic integrity is an active process, not a passive one. A student is expected to proactively maintain full academic integrity, by following all assignment and evaluation guidelines to the letter in a process of transparent accountability, by not working so closely with another student that their individual work cannot be evaluated independently, and by keeping clear referenced notes of unique content found in any media or other references viewed in preparation for an evaluated assignment (paper, test, etc.). In short, since part of any evaluation assesses not just the content but also the individuality of the content, failure to maintain academic individuality and integrity is also failure to meet the most basic criteria of the assignment, and is a failure of the assignment itself, regardless of whether this failure was intentional or accidental.
Academic integrity violations will be addressed using this general approach:
All incidents will be investigated, to gain a full understanding of the circumstances and severity. Parents are encouraged to participate as investigators in the process, though all final judgments will be made by Learning CTR Online.
Work that is found to be in violation of academic integrity will not be credited (i.e., will receive a zero).
Where there is unresolvable uncertainty about major parts of a course’s work, that course will be moved to Audit or the student dropped.
If Learning CTR Online loses confidence in a student’s general academic integrity (e.g., through intractability or repeated violations), that student may be dropped from all classes. If Learning CTR Online loses confidence in the overall process for ensuring academic integrity of schoolwork within a home or organization, Learning CTR Online may drop all courses for all students in that home or organization.
Plagiarism is a particular concern in a digital information age. Plagiarism is any use of another person’s ideas or words in your own work, without explicitly citing the other work and crediting it as your source.
Craig T. Riesen

General Science 7-12
Basic Administation K-12
Online Instructor
30+ years Teaching Experience
Public Schools (26+yr)
Online (7+yr)